How DMX Benefits Doctors

Joel Franck, M.D, Neurosurgeon

Introducing DMX Technology

Conventional tests like static x-rays and MRIs often fall short in identifying ligament injuries in the neck or cervical spine. Digital Motion X-ray's innovative approach, capturing motion pictures during neck movement, allows for the swift and precise detection of sub-failure ligament injuries, offering insights into persistent symptoms like headaches and neck and shoulder pain.

How DMX Uncovers Ligament Injuries

DMX revolutionizes the diagnostic process by examining ligament injuries in motion, providing a dynamic perspective crucial for accurate detection. DMX reveals which ligaments are affected, aiding healthcare professionals in crafting targeted treatment plans.

Benefits of DMX for Your Medical Practice

DMX technology provided by Restore Health of Va enhances your medical practice in various ways. It facilitates informed and reliable diagnoses, offers proof of injury for accident claims, improves patient compliance and understanding, and objectively detects ligament injuries. By substantiating patient care, DMX contributes to fast, accurate diagnoses leading to effective treatment.

Providing objective evidence of injuries may allow patients to maximize benefits and coverage through their insurance.